
Monday, November 12, 2007

j2me ws client application for your mobile phone

In this blog I try to explain how you can build a web service with jdeveloper and how you can connect to this web service with your mobile phone. I build this to get some logging information of the production servers if there is a error. Now I don't have to start up my pc and to check the error out. It is a bit uncertain how long j2me is supported because the mobile phones are getter more powerfull every year. Maybe over a few year you can have j2se on your mobile

In this case I work topdown because I want to know that j2me can generate java code from the wdsl/ xsd files . So I first designed the xsd's and wsdl with altova xmlspy. You can do this with jdeveloper too. Now we are ready to download the j2me toolkit. I have to use j2me toolkit 2.2 for my nokia n95, check your mobile operating system for the right supported version of j2me. Installed it and run utilities in the j2me wireless toolkit 2.2 menu. Next we start the stub generator. Here I discovered that is JAX-RPC Standard Implementation of j2me doesn't support date schema elements. So I had to change the date elements to string.
Now we can download eclipse and eclipseme. Eclipseme is an Eclipse plugin to help develop J2ME MIDlets. Now we can start eclipse and make a new midlet project , the next step is to import j2me toolkit 2.2 so you can select mediacontrolskin.We can import the generated web service client code in this midlet project.

Now we can build a jdeveloper web service from the wsdl. We first create a new project and generate java web service from wsdl and toplink to get the data from the database. We can test the web service by running it.

Now you know that the web service works now we can finish de midlet application. In this case I want a search/parameter form and where the result are displayed in a tablelayout then I can pick a record to see it in a form layout. For this I use J2ME Business Pack. which is a great framework that really works goed. Let's run the client application from eclipse which can emulate your mobile phone.

If I get many request for an example application then I shall make a demo with departments and employees tables of scott


  1. i need an example project that is described step by step. if you give an example, i will be really appreciated to you.

  2. where to find the source file of the Datagrid?

  3. Here you can find the code

  4. Sorry but this link is broken !

    Do you have another link ? Or another way to contact to creator ?


  5. Thanks for reporting.

    you can download the grid2me source here
