
Monday, December 3, 2007

11g web services and policies

Creating web service in jdeveloper 11G with logging, security and mtom policies is a lot easier then in 10.1.3 . 11G support version 2 of JAX-RPC named JAX-WS. You can make a web service now by just putting some annotations like @WebService before the class name. JDeveloper automatically assist you by making the project web service enabled. We have a working web service with only one class. The oc4j container handles the rest. Here you have a simple example


import javax.jws.WebService;

public class Welcome {

public String WelcomeText() {
return "hello";

you can configure it a little bit more


import javax.jws.WebService;

import oracle.webservices.annotations.AddressingPolicy;
import oracle.webservices.annotations.Deployment;
import oracle.webservices.annotations.ManagementPolicy;
import oracle.webservices.annotations.ReliabilityPolicy;

@WebService(name = "WebService", serviceName = "WebService", portName = "WebServicePort")
@Deployment(restSupport = true)
@ManagementPolicy( { "oracle/log_policy" })
public class Welcome {

public String WelcomeText() {
return "hello";

You can see that I use annotations for applying policies. Oracle provides a good example for this where for example the username_token_service_policy is explained. Too bad on the other security policies there is in this TP2 release no documentation or examples providid. In 10.1.3 there was a wizard which does the same but it's generate a lot of code. The policies are located at
You can always use the option of creating web service the old fashion way ( jax-rpc annotated web service). This generates the wsdl and some more xml's but here you can use the same policies. This time the policies are stored in the oracle-webservices.xml file. see the xml file below


  1. Hi,

    Do you know how to test oracle/wsrm11_policy on the WLS 10.3.1

  2. Hi,

    Did you see this

    hope this helps.

    thanks Edwin
