If you want use bind variables then you should use ? and not named bind variables like :1 or :customerId. For example in viewobject impl
public void selectById(BigDecimal id, boolean executeQuery)
setWhereClause("ID = ?");
setWhereClauseParams(new Object[]{id});
if (executeQuery) {
MySQL does not know sysdate you have to use Now()
select A.text from A where A.date_from > now()
In Oracle SQL you can outer join a table bij adding (+) at the right place in the where clause. In MySQL you have to use Left join or Right Join. For example
select A.text
, B.text
, C.text
from A left join B on B.ID = A.B_ID
, C
where A.C_ID = C.ID
If you have a date as column type in MySQL table then BC4J generates the entity attribute as string. You have to change this to timestap.
If you have a blob as table data type then BC4J uses a string as java type. You can change this to BLOBdomain but this doesn't work. You have to program a workaround here some which you can use to store a blob and how to retrieve.
public BigDecimal putBlobData (File file) throws FileNotFoundException,
IOException {
BigDecimal blobId = null;
PreparedStatement stmt = applicationModule.getDBTransaction().createPreparedStatement("SELECT last_insert_id()",1);
try {
Connection conn = stmt.getConnection();
stmt = conn.prepareStatement("insert into Blobdata(BLOBDATA,CRE_USER_CODE,CRE_DT) values (?,?,?)");
InputStream isFile = new FileInputStream(file);
stmt.setBinaryStream(1,isFile, (int)(file.length()));
stmt.setString( 2,"mhs");
stmt.setDate( 3,new Date(new java.util.Date().getTime()));
int count = stmt.executeUpdate();
stmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT last_insert_id()",1);
ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();
if ( rs != null ){
blobId = rs.getBigDecimal(1);
} catch ( SQLException e) {
} finally {
return blobId;
To retrieve a blob use this
public static InputStream getBlobInputStream(BigDecimal id, MhsServiceImpl service){
String sqlQuery = "SELECT blobdata FROM blobdata WHERE id = ?";
byte[] bytes = null;
String description = "";
ResultSet rs = null;
Blob blob = null;
InputStream is = null;
PreparedStatement stmt = service.getDBTransaction().createPreparedStatement("SELECT last_insert_id()",1);
try {
Connection conn = stmt.getConnection();
stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlQuery);
rs = stmt.executeQuery();
ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData();
while (rs.next()) {
blob = rs.getBlob("blobdata");
is = blob.getBinaryStream();
} catch(SQLException e){
return is;
I have problem in encoding to insert arabic character into mysql from application module
ReplyDeletePlease if you have time to read my probelm
Best Regards
Hi , I have contacted Steve Muench . He should know the answer.
ReplyDeletethanks Edwin