
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Using Oracle Service Registry in Soa Suite 11g

Oracle released a new version of Oracle Service Registry and this version is compatible with Soa Suite 11g. In this blog I will show you, how you can use the OSR UDDI Services in Soa Suite 11G. Basically this are steps I did in this blog. Start with installing OSR , Make an UDDI connection in JDeveloper, Add a Business Entity in the OSR, Publish a Soa Web Service to the UDDI registry ( We will do this in JDeveloper ) , Use this Web Service UDDI reference in an other composite and configure the Soa Suite so it can lookup this service in the UDDI registry.

We start by downloading OSR and Oracle Weblogic 11G ( 10.3.2 or 10.3.1 ) .
Install Oracle Weblogic and unpack the OSR zip. Open command and set the java home and path.

set JAVA_HOME=c:\oracle\wls1032\jdk160_14_R27.6.5-32
java -jar oracle-service-registry-11.1.1.jar

I choose for a standalone registry

We need to install OSR in a folder located in the Weblogic 10.3.2 middleware home.

OSR need to have a repository

I decided to use a datasource for connecting to the OSR repository

I select the domain option, this will create a new Weblogic domain template.

We are finished with installing OSR and now we can create a new Weblogic domain. Start the configuration wizard. We need to select the Oracle Service Registry Option.

When you install OSR on the same server as your Soa Suite server then you can better change the port number of the adminserver else you can get port conflicts and or config.xml corruption.

Start the OSR admin server ( startWeblogic.cmd in your domain home ) and from the domain bin folder we can start the OSR server( startManagedWeblogic osr_server1 )

Start JDeveloper 11g R1 PS1 and add a new UDDI Registry Connection. We need to provide the UDDIv2 inquiry url ( http://server:7101/registry/uddi/inquiry)

In the resource palette we can see the created UDDI Server.

To fill this registry we need to create our own Business entity. Go the registry control console ( http://laptopedwin.wh.lan:7101/registry/uddi/web )

We can go back to JDeveloper resource palette and open the Soa application server connection. Open the right composite application and select the Web service we want to publish to the OSR. Use the right mouse button and select publish WSDL to UDDI.

Provide the username and password and select your own Business Entity.

When we refresh the OSR UDDI connection we can see the Service under the business entity.

To get more UDDI information over this service we can select the service and use the right mouse button to generate a report.

We are ready to use this UDDI service in a composite application. Add the Web Service adapter to the composite and we will lookup the WSDL in the resource palette. Go to the OSR Registry connection and select the service under the Business Entity

We need to choose if we want to lookup this web service for every soa instance in the UDDI server or only once during deployment.
This is how the ws binding looks like in the composite.xml, No hard coded endpoints.

<reference name="HelloService" ui:wsdlLocation="BPELProcess1.wsdl">
<interface.wsdl interface=""/>
< port=""
<property name="oracle.soa.uddi.serviceKey" type="xs:string" many="false">uddi:d798e4c0-f4ab-11de-8e46-d0e4b9a18e45</property>

Last step is to provide the UDDI v2 inquiry url, No need to specify the user and password. After this you need to restart the Soa Server.

Finally test your composite services with the UDDI Service references.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Flex embedded youtube player 1.2

I made a new version of the Flex embedded YouTube player ( For all features see the 1.1 version ). This time I use javascript with ExternalInterface instead of a php proxy script and this version will work forever because it all runs on the client side. Since april 2009 the proxy way won't work anymore. This version is based on the javascript & actionscript code of Matthew Richmond. Click here for his demo and source code.

First we need to change video.xml, url is now only the youtube id

<node id="0" category="overzicht">
<node id="0" category="2008">
<node id="0" category="Europees">
<node id="2012" category="Bauska 2008" url="c9BqEm7zxU4"/>
<node id="2011" category="Bauska 2008 2" url="BwfPfDAMnF0"/>
<node id="0" category="2007">
<node id="0" category="Europees">
<node id="421" category="Autocross Championship - Murça 1" url="8TZgXfqpd5I"/>
<node id="420" category="Autocross Championship - Murça 2" url="6Ncyu7-7UMA"/>
<node id="419" category="Autocross Murça 2007: Div.3 Campeonato" url="NLF2BGQmFrY"/>
<node id="418" category="Autocross race in Hungary" url="21wjz-tGcC4"/>

And we need to add some javascript to the html page. Here is my Adobe Flex project. Happy tubing.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

EJB Session Bean Security in Weblogic

With Weblogic it is relative easy to protect your deployed EJB's by adding roles. These roles are mapped to WLS groups or users. In this blog I will show you, how you can protect for example the EJB Session beans.
I will start with securing an EJB3 Session Bean and later on in this article I will do the same only then in 2.1 way ( ejb-jar ).

First we create the Remote interface ( JDeveloper can create the EJB Session bean and remote or local interface for you )


import java.util.List;
import javax.ejb.Remote;


public interface HrModelSessionEJB {
Departments mergeDepartments(Departments departments);

List<Departments> getDepartmentsFindAll();

Create the EJB Session Bean. First we can optional add the @Resource annotation ( SessionContext ctx ) so we can retrieve the principal ( ctx.getCallerPrincipal) or check if the principal has the right role ( ctx.isCallerInRole )
To protect the Session bean methods we can add the @RolesAllowed or @PermitAll annotation ( @RolesAllowed({"adminsEJB"}) )



import java.util.List;

import javax.annotation.Resource;


import javax.ejb.Remote;
import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;

import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


@Stateless(name = "HrModelSessionEJB", mappedName = "EJB_Security-HrModel-HrModelSessionEJB")
public class HrModelSessionEJBBean implements HrModelSessionEJB {
private EntityManager em;

public HrModelSessionEJBBean() {

@Resource SessionContext ctx;

public Departments mergeDepartments(Departments departments) {
return em.merge(departments);

public List<Departments> getDepartmentsFindAll() {
Principal cp = ctx.getCallerPrincipal();
System.out.println("getname:" + cp.getName());
if ( ctx.isCallerInRole("adminsEJB")) {
System.out.println("user has admins role");
return em.createNamedQuery("Departments.findAll").getResultList();

The last thing we need to do is to add the weblogic ejb deployment descriptor ( weblogic-ejb-jar ) , This maps the EJB roles to users or groups in Weblogic Security Realm ( myrealm ). Do manually or use JDeveloper 11g R1 PS1, this version has a nice visual editor for the weblogic descriptors files.
The role-name must match with the roles names used in RolesAllowed annotation and the principal-name must match with a user or role in Weblogic Security Realm.

<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
<weblogic-ejb-jar xmlns:xsi=""

Deploy your Session Bean to the Weblogicserver. In the Weblogic console we can check the permissions by going to the EJB deployment.
Check the EJB roles
Which WLS users or groups are connected to the EJB role

check the permissions of the Session methods.

Now we only have to make a test client and change the property.


import java.util.List;

import java.util.Properties;

import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;


public class HrClient {
public HrClient() {
try {
Properties parm = new Properties();
final Context context = new InitialContext(parm);

HrModelSessionEJB hr = (HrModelSessionEJB)context.lookup("");

for (Departments departments : (List<Departments>)hr.getDepartmentsFindAll()) {
System.out.println( "departmentId = " + departments.getDepartmentId() );
System.out.println( "departmentName = " + departments.getDepartmentName() );
System.out.println( "locationId = " + departments.getLocationId() );
} catch (Exception ex) {

public static void main(String[] args) {
HrClient hrClient = new HrClient();

The EJB 2.1 way is a bit different, now we need the use the ebj-jar.xml and this requires an remote home interface. So first we need to create this.


import java.rmi.RemoteException;

import javax.ejb.CreateException;
import javax.ejb.EJBHome;

public interface HrModelSessionEJBHome extends EJBHome {
HrModelSessionEJB create() throws RemoteException, CreateException;

The remote interface is also different then its 3.0 version.


import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.List;
import javax.ejb.EJBObject;


public interface HrModelSessionEJB extends EJBObject {
Departments mergeDepartments(Departments departments) throws RemoteException;

List<Departments> getDepartmentsFindAll() throws RemoteException;

The EJB Session Bean



import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Resource;

import javax.ejb.EJBHome;
import javax.ejb.EJBObject;
import javax.ejb.Handle;
import javax.ejb.Init;
import javax.ejb.Remote;
import javax.ejb.RemoteHome;
import javax.ejb.Remove;
import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;

import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


@Stateless(name = "HrModelSessionEJB", mappedName = "EJB_Security-HrModel-HrModelSessionEJB")
public class HrModelSessionEJBBean implements HrModelSessionEJB {
private EntityManager em;

public HrModelSessionEJBBean() {

@Resource SessionContext ctx;

public Departments mergeDepartments(Departments departments) {
return em.merge(departments);

/** <code>select o from Departments o</code> */
public List<Departments> getDepartmentsFindAll() {
Principal cp = ctx.getCallerPrincipal();
System.out.println("getname:" + cp.getName());
if ( ctx.isCallerInRole("adminsEJB")) {
System.out.println("user has admins role");
return em.createNamedQuery("Departments.findAll").getResultList();

public void create(){};

public void remove(){};

public EJBHome getEJBHome() {
return null;

public Object getPrimaryKey() {
return null;

public Handle getHandle() {
return null;

public boolean isIdentical(EJBObject ejbObject) {
return false;

We can use the same weblogic-ejb-jar.xml, now we only need to create ebj-jar.xml descriptor. This descriptor does the same as the RolesAllowed annotation

<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
<ejb-jar xmlns:xsi=""
version="3.0" xmlns="">

And the test client.


import java.util.List;

import java.util.Properties;

import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;


public class HrClient {
public HrClient() {
try {
Properties parm = new Properties();
final Context context = new InitialContext(parm);

HrModelSessionEJBHome hRSessionEJB = (HrModelSessionEJBHome)context.lookup("");
HrModelSessionEJB hr = hRSessionEJB.create();

for (Departments departments : (List<Departments>)hr.getDepartmentsFindAll()) {
System.out.println( "departmentId = " + departments.getDepartmentId() );
System.out.println( "departmentName = " + departments.getDepartmentName() );
System.out.println( "locationId = " + departments.getLocationId() );

} catch (Exception ex) {

public static void main(String[] args) {
HrClient hrClient = new HrClient();


Here is the example workspace

Monday, December 14, 2009

SCA Spring in Weblogic 10.3.2 & Soa Suite 11g Part 2

In my previous post I made a SCA Spring example and deployed this on Weblogic 10.3.2 Now it is time to use the same spring context and java sources in a Soa Suite 11g composite ( without any changes) . Keep in mind SCA Spring in WLS and the Spring Component in Soa Suite is still in preview and will be supported in Patch Set2 of Soa Suite 11g.
In this example I use the java Logger and BPEL component of Clemens OTN article.

First I copied the java sources from my Weblogic SCA Spring project to the Soa project and created for demo purposes two Spring Bean configurations.
The first has a bean with a service and a reference and the second one has only a bean with a service. ( Off course I can combine these two together in one spring bean configuration, but this is more fun)

The first spring bean configuration will just passthrough the java call. We need to remove the WS and EJB binding in the service and reference. ( Soa Suite don't need this )

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<beans xmlns=""
<!--Spring 2.5 Bean defintions go here-->
<sca:service target="loggerPassThrough" name="LogServiceWS"

<bean class="" name="loggerPassThrough">
<property name="reference" ref="loggerEJBReference" />

<sca:reference name="loggerEJBReference"


The second spring bean configuration is the java logger. Here we also have to remove the WS binding in the service

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<beans xmlns=""
<!--Spring 2.5 Bean defintions go here-->
<sca:service target="logger" name="LogServiceEJB"

<bean class="" name="logger">
<property name="output" ref="loggerOutput" />

<bean id="loggerOutput" class=""></bean>


Now the composite application looks like this. We need to add some wires between the BPEL and Spring Components.

Open the BPEL component and add an invoke to call the partnerlink and create the input and output variables.

Deploy the composite and test it in the Soa Suite. With this as result.
Conclusion: With the new SoaSuite Spring component it is relative easy to do a java call outs and you can exchange your SCA spring application from Weblogic to Soa Suite without any changes.

Here is my Soa Suite example workspace

Sunday, December 13, 2009

SCA Spring in Weblogic 10.3.2 & Soa Suite 11g

With Weblogic 10.3.2 ( part of Patch Set 1 of Fusion Middleware R1 ) Oracle released a preview of SCA Spring. For more info about this announcement see the blog of Raghav.
This is great news because everything what works in SCA Spring can be used without any problem in Soa Suite 11g. With Patch Set 2 SCA Spring will be supported in WLS or Soa Suite. For a Soa Suite Spring example see this blog of Clemens

To test this I made a small example based on the blog of Clemens. In this test I will call a logging webservice and this service will pass the call to a passthrough bean which has a reference to an logging EJB service which calls a logging bean and this bean has an other bean injected which does the output.

First deploy the weblogic-sca war as a library to the WLS server, you can find this war in wlserver_10.3/common/deployable-libraries/ folder and is called weblogic-sca-1.0.war

Create in JDeveloper a new web project ( no need for ADF ) . We don't need the spring jar or add some config in the web.xml ( this can be empty , don't need to add spring listener )

Add a library reference in your webapp to the weblogic-sca library, Do this in the weblogic.xml or weblogic-application.xml file
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
<weblogic-web-app xmlns:xsi=""

Create a spring from jdeveloper and call this file spring-context.xml and put this in META-INF/jsca folder ( in the src folder )
When you got experience with Apache Tuscany then this spring configuration is not so difficult.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<beans xmlns=""
 <!--Spring 2.5 Bean defintions go here-->
 <sca:service target="loggerPassThrough" name="LogServiceWS"
   < xmlns=""
               name="LoggerService_WS" uri="/LoggerService_Uri"

 <sca:reference name="loggerEJBReference"
   <wlsb:binding.ejb uri="LoggerService_EJB30_JNDI" />

 <bean class="" name="loggerPassThrough">
    <property name="reference" ref="loggerEJBReference" />

 <sca:service target="logger" name="LogServiceEJB"
   <wlsb:binding.ejb uri="LoggerService_EJB30_JNDI" remote="true"

 <bean class="" name="logger">
    <property name="output" ref="loggerOutput" />

 <bean id="loggerOutput" class=""></bean>


Now we need to create a logger interface, this will be use by the WS & EJB services and references.

public interface ILoggerComponent
     * Log a message, including the originating component, its instance id and
     * a message.
     * @param pComponentName the name of the component that sends this log msg
     * @param pInstanceId the instanceId of the component instance
     * @param pMessage the message to be logged
    public void log (String pComponentName,
                     String pInstanceId, String pMessage);

Create a passthrough class this will pass on the logger call to the ejb service.

public class LoggerPassThrough implements ILoggerComponent {
    public LoggerPassThrough() {

    public void log(String pComponentName, String pInstanceId,
                    String pMessage)  {
       reference.log(pComponentName, pInstanceId, pMessage);

    private ILoggerComponent reference;

    public void setReference(ILoggerComponent reference) {
        this.reference = reference;

    public ILoggerComponent getReference() {
        return reference;


Create the logger implementation class.

public class LoggerComponentImpl implements ILoggerComponent {
    public LoggerComponentImpl() {

    public void log(String pComponentName, String pInstanceId,
                    String pMessage)  {
       output.logToConsole(pComponentName, pInstanceId, pMessage);

    private LoggerOutput output;

    public void setOutput(LoggerOutput output) {
        this.output = output;

    public LoggerOutput getOutput() {
        return output;

The last class prints the console output

public class LoggerOutput {
    public LoggerOutput() {
    public void logToConsole(String pComponentName, String pInstanceId,  String pMessage)
        StringBuffer logBuffer = new StringBuffer ();
        logBuffer.append("[").append(pComponentName).append("] [Instance: ").
            append(pInstanceId).append("] ").append(pMessage);

Deploy the web application the weblogic server and use soapui to test the service. The wsdl url is in my case http://laptopedwin.wh.lan:7001/WlsSpring-ScaSpring-context-root/LoggerService_Uri?WSDL or make a EJB test client and use this ILoggerComponent logger = (ILoggerComponent)context.lookup("LoggerService_EJB30_JNDI");

Here you can download my code on github

Saturday, December 5, 2009

ADF Data push with Active Data Service

With Patch Set 1 of JDeveloper 11G we can push data to the JSF page. This is called Active Data Service and this works with the following JSF component
  • activeCommandToolbarButton
  • activeImage
  • activeOutputText
  • table
  • tree
  • All DVT components
One requirement for this feature is you need to have a Datasource who supports data push. For example the BAM server of the Soa Suite support this. For other cases you need to use the Active Data Proxy framework. In this blog I made a demo with 3 different working examples , The first is an example of Oracle this in the fusion demo and can be downloaded here , the second is the one of Matthias Wessendorf and the last is the one of the Oracle ADS documentation example which works with a EJB datacontol.

In the next weeks I will make an ADS example with EJB and JMS, The ADS Page components will then listen on a topic for EJB data change events and refreshes the page with push .

But first let me show what you need to do.
Configure the adf-config.xml , located in the .adf\META-INF folder ( workspace level). With this ADF file you can configure the push parameters, study these parameters because they can influence the application performance.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<adf-config xmlns=""
<sec:adf-security-child xmlns="">
<CredentialStoreContext credentialStoreClass=""
<ads:adf-activedata-config xmlns="">
transport allows three settings:
* streaming (default)
* polling
* long-polling

Then create in the .adf\META-INF folder a new folder called services and put a new file in called and add the following content.

Go to your JSF page and drag and drop for example departments from your datacontrol to your page. Choose a readonly table ( when you want to use inputtext instead of outputtext JSF components then keep in mind you need to reset the uicomponent else it won't get the new value ) and don't use Filtering on the table.
This is how your JSF can look like.

<af:table value="#{bindings.departmentsFindAll.collectionModel}"
emptyText="#{bindings.departmentsFindAll.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
rowSelection="single" id="t3">
<af:column sortProperty="departmentId" sortable="true"
<af:outputText value="#{row.departmentId}" id="ot9">
<af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"
<af:column sortProperty="departmentName" sortable="true"
<af:outputText value="#{row.departmentName}" id="ot8"/>

Here the pagedef of the page ,we need to have a handle to the departmentsFindAll tree in our Active Data Proxy framework.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<pageDefinition xmlns=""
version="" id="ADStablePageDef"
<iterator Binds="root" RangeSize="25" DataControl="CountrySessionEJBLocal"
<accessorIterator MasterBinding="CountrySessionEJBLocalIterator"
Binds="departmentsFindAll" RangeSize="25"

<tree IterBinding="departmentsFindAllIterator" id="departmentsFindAll">
<nodeDefinition DefName="nl.whitehorses.model2.Departments"
<Item Value="departmentId"/>
<Item Value="departmentName"/>

Now we can make our own DepartmentModel where we add Active Data Service to it. We need the departmentsFindAll tree attribute from the pagedef.


import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;
import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer;


import oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlHierBinding;

import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.CollectionModel;

public class DepartmentModel extends ActiveCollectionModelDecorator {

private MyActiveDataModel _activeDataModel = new MyActiveDataModel();
private CollectionModel _model = null;

public CollectionModel getCollectionModel() {
if (_model == null) {
DCBindingContainer dcBindings = (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
FacesCtrlHierBinding treeData = (FacesCtrlHierBinding)dcBindings.getControlBinding("departmentsFindAll");
_model = treeData.getCollectionModel();
return _model;

public ActiveDataModel getActiveDataModel() {
return _activeDataModel;

public MyActiveDataModel getMyActiveDataModel() {
return _activeDataModel;


Make your own active ActiveDataModel in which we start a thread where we fire change events.


import java.util.Collection;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

public class MyActiveDataModel extends BaseActiveDataModel
protected void startActiveData(Collection<Object> rowKeys, int startChangeCount)
if (_listenerCount.get() == 1)
System.out.println("start up");

Runnable dataChanger = new Runnable()
public void run()
System.out.println("MyThread starting.");
System.out.println("thread running");
Change chg = new Change();
catch (Exception exc)
System.out.println("MyThread exceptioned out.");
System.out.println("MyThread terminating.");
Thread newThrd = new Thread(dataChanger);

protected void stopActiveData(Collection<Object> rowKeys)
if (_listenerCount.get() == 0)
System.out.println("tear down");

public int getCurrentChangeCount()
return _currEventId.get();

public void bumpChangeCount()

public void dataChanged(ActiveDataUpdateEvent event)

private final AtomicInteger _listenerCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
private final AtomicInteger _currEventId = new AtomicInteger();

For demo purposes we send some change events. For this we need to know the Key of the department iterator and the attribute which changed. See the ADS help page for other events like insert ,delete etc..




import oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.activedata.ActiveDataEventUtil;
import oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.activedata.JboActiveDataEventUtil;

public class Change {
public Change() {


public void triggerDataChange(MyActiveDataModel model) throws Exception {

for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {


ActiveDataUpdateEvent event =
JboActiveDataEventUtil.convertKeyPath(new Object[] { new Long(10) , new Integer(0) }),
new String[] { "departmentName" },
new Object[] { "Administration" });


try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {

event =
JboActiveDataEventUtil.convertKeyPath(new Object[] { new Long(30), new Integer(0) }),
new String[] { "departmentName" },
new Object[] { "Purchasing" });



We need to add the DepartmentModel class as backing bean in the adfc-config or faces-config xml.


And at last change the value attribute of the af:table to our managed bean
af:table value="#{DepartmentModel}" var="row"

Here you can download my demo workspace

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Find and Expand all nodes of an ADF Tree

I want to find and expand all nodes of an ADF Tree and I saw an Oracle Forum post of Kenyatta which gave me a nice solution.
First some usefull methods.

private void expandTreeChildrenNode( RichTree rt
, FacesCtrlHierNodeBinding node
, List<Key> parentRowKey) {
ArrayList children = node.getChildren();
List<Key> rowKey;

if ( children != null ) {
for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
rowKey = new ArrayList<Key>();
if (((FacesCtrlHierNodeBinding)(children.get(i))).getChildren() == null)
, rowKey);

// find a jsf component
private UIComponent getUIComponent(String name) {
FacesContext facesCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
return facesCtx.getViewRoot().findComponent(name) ;

private UIComponent getUIComponent(UIComponent component,String name ){
List<UIComponent> items = component.getChildren();
for ( UIComponent item : items ) {
UIComponent found = getUIComponent(item,name);
if ( found != null ) {
return found;
if ( item.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(name) ) {
return item;
return null;

Now find the ADF tree in a region and expand the main and child nodes of this tree

// get the dymamic region of the main page
RichRegion region = (RichRegion)getUIComponent("dynam1");

if ( region != null) {
// find tree 2 and expand this tree
RichTree rt = (RichTree)getUIComponent(region,"t2");
if ( rt != null ) {
int rowCount = rt.getRowCount();
List<Key> rowKey;
for (int j = 0; j < rowCount; j++) {
// expand the main nodes
FacesCtrlHierNodeBinding node = (FacesCtrlHierNodeBinding)rt.getRowData(j);
rowKey = new ArrayList<Key>();
// expand the child nodes of the main nodes
expandTreeChildrenNode(rt , node, rowKey);

Find an UIComponent in an ADF Task Flow Region

When you want to find an UIComponent (like a Tree) inside an ADF Region you can not use findComponent on the ViewRoot because this will only search for the component in the JSF page and not in the JSF page fragments ( Task Flows). And off course you can use a backing bean to make a binding but I want to find the component by first searching for the right Region in the JSF page and then searching the component inside the Region.

First I need to have some common methods.
// find a jsf component inside the JSF page
private UIComponent getUIComponent(String name) {
  FacesContext facesCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
  return facesCtx.getViewRoot().findComponent(name) ;

// find a UIComponent inside a UIComponent 
private UIComponent getUIComponent(UIComponent component, String name) {
        if (component != null)
        List<UIComponent> items = component.getChildren();
        Iterator<UIComponent> facets = component.getFacetsAndChildren();

        if  ( items.size() > 0 ) {
          System.out.println("got childern");
          for (UIComponent item : items) {
              UIComponent found = getUIComponent(item, name);
              if (found != null) {
                  return found;
              if (item.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
                  return item;
        } else if ( facets.hasNext()) {
            System.out.println("got facets");
            while ( facets.hasNext() ){
              UIComponent facet =;  
              UIComponent found = getUIComponent(facet, name);
              if (found != null) {
                  return found;
              if (facet.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
                  return facet;
        return null;
Now we can find the right Region and then search inside the Region for the ADF Tree
// get the dymamic region of the main page
RichRegion region = (RichRegion)getUIComponent("dynam1");
if ( region != null) {
  // find tree 2 
  RichTree rt = (RichTree)getUIComponent(region,"t2");
  if ( rt != null ) {
    // do your thing
Or you can use the findComponent method after you found the region
// get the dymamic region of the main page
RichRegion region = (RichRegion)getUIComponent("dynam1");
if ( region != null) {
  // find tree 2 
  RichTree rt = (RichTree)region.findComponent("t2");
  if ( rt != null ) {
   // do your thing

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Soa Suite 11g MDS deploy and removal ANT scripts

With the release of Soa Suite 11g R1 Patch Set 1 Oracle improved the standard ant scripts for MDS deployment and removal. Before PS1 we had an ant example of Clemens.
Basically this is how my ANT scripts works. First add your own metadata folders under the apps folder ( do this in jdeveloper\integration\seed\apps ).

My ANT script will do the following steps for every metadata folder under apps
  • optionally remove the metadata folder from the remote Soa Suite Database MDS repository
  • Make a zip file of the metadata files ( Local MDS file repository) .
  • Make a new Soa Bundle zip with this metadata zip
  • Deploy this soa bundle to the Soa Suite Server, The server will add this to the Database MDS
When you want to use the MDS files in your own project read this blog

To make this work copy the antcontrib jar to the jdeveloper\ant\lib folder ( because of the foreach and the propertycopy fucntion )
Here is my

The build.xml

and at last the deployMDS.bat file
set ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\MiddlewareJdev11gR1PS2
set ANT_HOME=%ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper\ant
set PATH=%ANT_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
set JAVA_HOME=%ORACLE_HOME%\jdk160_18


ant -f build.xml deployMDS
See my github for the source code

Monday, November 16, 2009

Calling a Soa Suite Direct Binding Service from Java & OSB

I was trying to connect Oracle Soa Suite 11G R1 PS1 with the OSB when I saw this new Direct Binding Service in the Soa Suite 11G. This direct binding make it possible to start this RMI service from OSB or Java. In a previous blog I already called a Soa Service from Java using the ADF binding but this direct binding makes it also possible to call this also from OSB using the SB transport . In this Blog I will call this RMI synchronous service from Java, I can not use this binding in OSB 10.3.1, probably in the next version of the OSB I can.

First we add the Direct Binding Service to exposed Services side of the composite and use the WSDL of one of the other exposed services and add a Wire to the Component.
In the source view of the composite xml you can see that this service uses the direct binding.
<service name="RMIService" ui:wsdlLocation="BPELProcess1.wsdl">
<interface.wsdl interface=""/>

To see the WSDL of this service go to http://localhost:8001/soa-infra/ and select your RMI service.

The source of project is on github check where I use adf binding , directbinding and starting these from java and also start / stop composite , check activated instances , start unit tests.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

ADF Contextual Events in 11G R1 PS1

In a previous blog I already talked about ADF events and how you can use it in the Task Flow interaction communication. With the new JDeveloper 11g Patch Set 1, Oracle really improved this event mechanism and the JDeveloper IDE support for these events.
In this blog entry I will show you the new features and give you examples of a tree and table selection Event and inputtext change Event.
First we start by adding events to the ADF application. The first way we can do it, is by selecting an af:inputtext, af:tree or af:table component . Here an example of how you can add an event to an inputtext. Contextual Events is now part of the component property window.
The second big difference is that you can change the payload of the event. You can return now what you want, for example an binding or a backing bean method. In the previous release the payload was fixed ( return of the MethodAction or the new value of an attribute). If you don't specify a payload then this is the default.
And you can restrict the events by adding a condition to the event. In this case it only fires when the value is hello
The events are registered in the pagedef of the page or fragment. This is how it can looks like.
In this case the attributeValue got a restricted event and in the bottom the default payload is changed for this event.
The pagedef editor got a Contextual Events tab, where we can add producers or subscription to an event.

Lets subscribe to this attribute event. First we need to add an MethodAction to a page or fragment. We can call this method and pass on the attribute payload. I made a java class with this method and generate a DataControl on this class.
Open the page definition and go the Subscribers tab where we add a new one subscription. We need to select the event and the publisher ( or use any ) and the handler, this is the ADF MethodAction which has 3 parameters. And we need to provide the required values for these parameters.

That's all for the Inputtext. The value is now passed on to a other page fragment.

ADF Table selection Event
We can do the same with the ADF Table component, just select the table and go to the Contextual Events part of the property window. You can now select a class and in my case is that the Department class.
To do something usefull with this Table selection event I add a method to the Java datacontrol and add this as a MethodAction to a pagedef of a page or fragment

public String tableEvent( Object payload) {
if ( payload != null) {
System.out.println("handle tableEvent");
DCBindingContainerCurrencyChangeEvent event = (DCBindingContainerCurrencyChangeEvent)payload;
DCDataRow row = (DCDataRow)event.getRow();
if ( row.getDataProvider() instanceof Department ) {
// do department stuff like displaying the department task flow
Department dept = (Context.Department)row.getDataProvider();
return "handle tableEvent for Department "+dept.getName();
} else {
return "empty payload tableEvent";
return null;

Now we can add a subscription to this event and we call the above method as handler of this event.

ADF Tree Selection Event
This is almost the same as an ADF Table but now we can define more events because a tree can have different levels , In my case I made a department / employee example so I can have a department and employee event and do different things with this. For example show a department or employee Task Flow.
Here you see two events in the property window of the ADF tree. One for the department selection and one for the employees

This is how it looks like in the page defintion with an event on every level of the tree.

Here is my example workspace with Task Flows who produces these different event and the index page who pass the events on to the output Task Flow.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

New features of the EJB Datatcontrol, Query panel and Range size

With Patch Set 1 of JDeveloper 11G R1 Oracle improved the ADF EJB Datacontrol with two important features. We can now use this EJB Datacontrol in a Querypanel, this makes searching with EJB's a lot easier and the second big improvement is the range size option, so you don't get all the rows in one time, this can improve the performance of your ADF application and will generate less network traffic.
With JDeveloper you can generate an EJB datacontol on an EJB session bean and this Datacontol can be used in ADF. In this blog entry I will show you what the new features are and how you can do it yourself.

First we start with an entity, this is a normal entity on the country table in the HR schema ( I use the eclipselink persistence implementation, which supported very well in JDeveloper )

Next step is to create a Session Bean where we add some Facade Methods.

Here you can see that JDeveloper adds a queryByRange Facade method which we be used by ADF for the range size option.

Here you can see the Session Bean code with the queryByRange method

Generate a Datacontrol on this Session Bean,

If we now go the viewcontroller project we can use this Country EJB datacontrol ( add the EJB model project to the viewcontroller project dependency or add the EJB ADF library to the project) . In the Data Controls window you can see the Named Criteria folder in the countriesFindAll method. Drag the All Queriable Attributes on the JSF page and select the Query Panel option.
With this as result, a customizable search panel and when you configure MDS you can even save the user queries in the MDS repository.

The last feature of the EJB Datacontrol is the Range Set option. Default the ADF iterator get the data in set of 25 records ( this is a pagedef option on the iterator ). When the ADF table on the JSF view is full with rows then it won't get the rest of the rows unles you use the scrollbar or use the Next Set Operation. The Next and Previous Set are new options for the EJB Datacontrol.

Use the scrollbar or the next / previous Set button to get all the rows.

Here some eclipselink logging to let you see that is really works.

[EL Fine]: 2009-11-12 14:03:47.375--ServerSession(22965561)--SELECT COUNT(COUNTRY_ID) FROM COUNTRIES

[EL Fine]: 2009-11-12 14:03:47.39 --SELECT * FROM (SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ a.*, ROWNUM rnum FROM (SELECT COUNTRY_ID AS COUNTRY_ID1
bind => [5, 0]
[EL Fine]: 2009-11-12 14:03:49.953 --SELECT * FROM (SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ a.*, ROWNUM rnum FROM (SELECT COUNTRY_ID AS COUNTRY_ID1
bind => [10, 5]
[EL Fine]: 2009-11-12 14:04:39.281 --SELECT * FROM (SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ a.*, ROWNUM rnum FROM (SELECT COUNTRY_ID AS COUNTRY_ID1
bind => [15, 10]