In this blogpost I will you show that you can deploy your own Resource Adapter with your EIS entries to the SOA Server or Cluster. This way you can separate EIS entries in their own Resource Adapter, so you don't have one big Deployment Plan. Reduce the human factor and just deploy it, no manual tasks after you SOA Composites deployments. And you can deploy it to a cluster and add these Resource Adapter files to your Subversion system.
Basically I do the following steps.
- Extract the WebLogic Resource Adapters files to a local folder
- Remove the jars, because these jars are already loaded in the original Resource Adapters
- Edit the weblogic-ra.xml and remove the default entries and add your own
- Pack the Resource Adapter
- Undeploy the Resource Adapter on the WebLogic Server
- Deploy the Resource Adapter
- Set the deployment order after the original Resource Adapter
To make this work you need to add your WebLogic jar to the classpath of the ANT environment.
Change the weblogic-ra.xml with your own Entries.
And at last deploy all the Resource Adapters or just one
FMW.home=C:/oracle/Soa11gPS2 WLS.home=${FMW.home}/wlserver_10.3 SOA.home=${FMW.home}/Oracle_SOA1 SOA.adapters.home=${SOA.home}/soa/connectors WLS.fullclient=C:/java/wlfullclient.jar AQ=AqAdapter DB=DbAdapter JMS=JmsAdapter EnvironmentName=MyAdap build.folder=build serverURL=t3://laptopedwin:7001 user=weblogic password=weblogic1 targets=soa_server1
The ANT Build file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <project default="init"> <property file=""/> <taskdef name="wldeploy" classname=""/> <taskdef name="wlst" classname=""/> <target name="initAdapters"> <!-- make an environment folder --> <delete dir="${EnvironmentName}" failonerror="true" /> <mkdir dir="${EnvironmentName}"/> <!-- unpack the adapters --> <unjar src="${SOA.adapters.home}/${AQ}.rar" dest="${EnvironmentName}/${AQ}" /> <unjar src="${SOA.adapters.home}/${DB}.rar" dest="${EnvironmentName}/${DB}" /> <unjar src="${SOA.adapters.home}/${JMS}.rar" dest="${EnvironmentName}/${JMS}" /> <!-- remove the jars --> <delete> <fileset dir="${EnvironmentName}" includes="**/*.jar"/> </delete> </target> <target name="packAdapters"> <!-- make a build folder --> <delete dir="${build.folder}"/> <mkdir dir="${build.folder}"/> <jar basedir="${EnvironmentName}/${AQ}" destfile="${build.folder}/${EnvironmentName}_AQAdapter.rar" /> <jar basedir="${EnvironmentName}/${DB}" destfile="${build.folder}/${EnvironmentName}_DBAdapter.rar" /> <jar basedir="${EnvironmentName}/${JMS}" destfile="${build.folder}/${EnvironmentName}_JMSAdapter.rar" /> </target> <target name="deployAll" depends="packAdapters"> <!-- deploy AQ --> <antcall target="deployAQ"/> <antcall target="deployDB"/> <antcall target="deployJMS"/> </target> <target name="deployAQ" depends="packAdapters"> <!-- deploy AQ --> <antcall target="undeploy" > <param name="deployment" value="${EnvironmentName}_AQAdapter"/> </antcall> <antcall target="deploy" > <param name="deployment" value="${EnvironmentName}_AQAdapter"/> </antcall> <antcall target="changeDeploymentOrder" > <param name="deployment" value="${EnvironmentName}_AQAdapter"/> </antcall> </target> <target name="deployDB" depends="packAdapters"> <!-- deploy AQ --> <antcall target="undeploy" > <param name="deployment" value="${EnvironmentName}_DBAdapter"/> </antcall> <antcall target="deploy" > <param name="deployment" value="${EnvironmentName}_DBAdapter"/> </antcall> <antcall target="changeDeploymentOrder" > <param name="deployment" value="${EnvironmentName}_DBAdapter"/> </antcall> </target> <target name="deployJMS" depends="packAdapters"> <!-- deploy AQ --> <antcall target="undeploy" > <param name="deployment" value="${EnvironmentName}_JMSAdapter"/> </antcall> <antcall target="deploy" > <param name="deployment" value="${EnvironmentName}_JMSAdapter"/> </antcall> <antcall target="changeDeploymentOrder" > <param name="deployment" value="${EnvironmentName}_JMSAdapter"/> </antcall> </target> <target name="changeDeploymentOrder" > <wlst failonerror="true" debug="true" arguments="${user} ${password} ${serverURL} ${deployment}"> <script> adminUser=sys.argv[0] adminPassword=sys.argv[1] adminUrl=sys.argv[2] deploymentAdapter='/AppDeployments/'+sys.argv[3] connect(adminUser,adminPassword,adminUrl) edit() startEdit() cd(deploymentAdapter) cmo.setDeploymentOrder(500) activate() disconnect() </script> </wlst> </target> <target name="undeploy"> <wldeploy action="undeploy" name="${deployment}" user="${user}" password="${password}" adminurl="${serverURL}" targets="${targets}" failonerror="false"> </wldeploy> </target> <target name="deploy"> <wldeploy action="deploy" name="${deployment}" source="${build.folder}/${deployment}.rar" user="${user}" password="${password}" adminurl="${serverURL}" targets="${targets}" upload="true" failonerror="true"> </wldeploy> </target> </project>Here you can download my workspace.
ReplyDeleteNice post. I followed your steps and found issues in starting up AppsAdapter while starting domain.
Error i am getting is:
class 'oracle.tip.adapter.apps.IAppsConnection' could not be loaded from the resource adapter archive/application because of the following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/tip/adapter/db/IDBConnection
[2] The ra.xml class 'oracle.tip.adapter.apps.AppsConnection' could not be loaded from the resource adapter archive/application because of the following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/tip/adapter/db/IDBConnection
[3] The ra.xml class 'oracle.tip.adapter.apps.AppsManagedConnectionFactory' could not be loaded from the resource adapter archive/application because of the following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/tip/adapter/db/DBManagedConnectionFactory
[4] The ra.xml class 'oracle.tip.adapter.apps.AppsConnectionFactory' could not be loaded from the resource adapter archive/application because of the following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/tip/adapter/db/DBConnectionFactory.
weblogic.application.ModuleException: [1] The ra.xml class 'oracle.tip.adapter.apps.IAppsConnection' could not be loaded from the resource adapter archive/application because of the following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/tip/adapter/db/IDBConnection
[2] The ra.xml class 'oracle.tip.adapter.apps.AppsConnection' could not be loaded from the resource adapter archive/application because of the following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/tip/adapter/db/IDBConnection
[3] The ra.xml class 'oracle.tip.adapter.apps.AppsManagedConnectionFactory' could not be loaded from the resource adapter archive/application because of the following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/tip/adapter/db/DBManagedConnectionFactory
[4] The ra.xml class 'oracle.tip.adapter.apps.AppsConnectionFactory' could not be loaded from the resource adapter archive/application because of the following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/tip/adapter/db/DBConnectionFactory
at weblogic.connector.deploy.ConnectorModule.prepare(
at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleListenerInvoker.prepare(
at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow$
at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow.prepare(
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
Same error i get when i try to access this jndi from BPEL.
I think it is not able to find classfiles which came along with AppsAdapter.jar which we removed file creating new rar file.
Please help.
just to tell about before issue sonehow i undeployed original resourceAdapter and with same name i created new resource adapater. And i tried both without placing jar file in application and with placing jar file but it didn;t help.
ReplyDeleteThe original resource adapter should exists /deployed and must have a lower deployment number then your resource adapter. else it won't find the jar.
Hi Edwin, I am trying to run the Adapter creation code but I am unable to find the WLS.fullclient=C:/java/wlfullclient.jar jar on my machine, Do you have any idea where I can get this from ?
ReplyDeleteAlso does the undeploy task undeploy the existing Adapters or only the ones we deploy after executing the build.xml.
Thanks that's worked I used weblogic.jar instead of the wlfulclient.jar and I just had to run this from cmd prompt and had to run the setWLSEnv.cmd before executing the build, which I am sure was due to some classpath settings I dont have in jdev
ReplyDeleteNice topic