This is how I did it. First I create a jsf page where I add Panel Stretch Layout then I add a Customizable Panel to the top which has horizontal layout and one on the end which has a vertical layout. In the beforePhase of the view I add the init method which adds the ShowDetailFrames to the Customizable Panels.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" version="2.0"
<jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"/>
<f:view beforePhase="#{PortalBean.initPage}">
<af:document customizationId="document70">
<af:form id="form">
<af:panelStretchLayout inlineStyle="width:642px; height:487px;" topHeight="120px"
<f:facet name="center">
<af:activeOutputText value="Main Window"/>
<f:facet name="top">
<cust:panelCustomizable id="panelCustomizableHorizontal"
<f:facet name="end">
<cust:panelCustomizable id="panelCustomizableVertical"
layout="vertical" displayScrollBar="true"/>
Now we can create the backing bean
package nl.ordina.backing;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.event.PhaseEvent;
import oracle.adf.view.rich.component.customizable.PanelCustomizable;
import oracle.adf.view.rich.component.customizable.ShowDetailFrame;
import oracle.adf.view.rich.component.rich.output.RichOutputText;
public class Portal {
PanelCustomizable panelHorizontal = (PanelCustomizable) getUIComponent("panelCustomizableHorizontal" );
PanelCustomizable panelVertical = (PanelCustomizable) getUIComponent("panelCustomizableVertical" );
public Portal() {
public String initPage(PhaseEvent phaseEvent) {
ShowDetailFrame window = null;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < 7 ; i++ ) {
if ( i % 2 == 0 ) {
window = addWindow ("horizontal_dynamic"+i,panelHorizontal);
addText("horizontal is great" ,window);
} else {
window = addWindow ("vertical_dynamic"+i,panelVertical);
addText("vertical is the best" ,window);
return null;
private void addText (String text,ShowDetailFrame frame) {
RichOutputText output = new RichOutputText();
private ShowDetailFrame addWindow (String name,PanelCustomizable panel) {
ShowDetailFrame window = new ShowDetailFrame();
return window;
private UIComponent getUIComponent(String name) {
FacesContext facesCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
return facesCtx.getViewRoot().findComponent(name) ;
Now we only have to add the bean to the adfc-config.xml
ReplyDeleteGreat example, but I am getting a compile error on the property set methods for setValue and setId on the RichOutputText and the setId on the ShowDetailFrame.
Which version of the jars are you using? I want to make sure I have the correct versions.
ReplyDeleteI think it's made with TP3, I will make a TP4 version
It's working in TP4 too. But you have to enable webcenter in TP4
ReplyDeletein normal TP4 then it is not working
Thanks, that was the issue. I was using a generic template.
ReplyDeleteThanks, that did the trick. I was using a generic template.
ReplyDeleteInstead of adding a RichOutputText to the ShowDetailFrame, is there a way to add a page fragment (task-flow) that is defined in a page definition file to the ShowDetailFrame?
ReplyDeleteHi, that's is possible but there is a bug in tp4.
ReplyDeletein the final release you can do that.
I am trying to accomplish adding a JSFF fragment inside a ShowDetailItem which is inserted inside a RichPanelTabbed container. Since you say that it is possible to do it in the final release, I would like to know how you can do that.
ReplyDeleteCan you please expand on that?
Hi, I don't if it works because Oracle in 11g didn't release the webcenter code.
ReplyDeleteI will try it
ReplyDeletePlease i want to know how can i display a frame in jsf page ?
i have a commandButton in my jsf page and when i select this button the frame will be displayed ( frame containe a graph :Galois Lattice).
i need help please
ReplyDeleteare you looking for this
af:inlineFrame source="{FaceBook.facebookLoginUrl}"
inlineStyle="width:99%; height:99%;" shortDesc="Loginpage"