What is a human task? A human task is the workflow component of soa suite in 10.1.3 but in 11g Oracle added a lot of new features to it, like the many approve / reject options. You can have now single, group, management chain and majority people approval. All kind of notifications, a notification can be an email with an action or email with an office document ( Word or Excel). Expiration and escalation policies and Oracle made it more secure with digital signatures.

Now you know a little bit more, lets create a human task. You can do it by dragging the human task to the middle of the composite view and drop it here. If you want to use this human task in your bpel then open the bpel process and drag the human task to the right place and select the human task which you created in the composite view.

There are two ways to create a custom detail page. The first way is by selecting the human task in the bpel process and then create a taskflow (auto genereate task form). The second way is to create a fusion web application and in the viewcontroller project create a taskflow based on a human task. We have to go now to the soa project and select the human task file. JDeveloper creates now a taskflow with a datacontrol. Open the taskflow and create the jsf page. Go to the new datacontrol and drag the task from the output to the just created jsf page. You have to do this a lot of times.
See for more details chapter 26.8 and 31 of the soa suite 11g developer guide. Here some pictures of a custom detail page. First we claim the task and then we can approve it
And we have a custom detail page on the specific human task.
Dear Edwin!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Again, after understanding the JMS adapter, I have taken up human task as next topic to understand and use. Strangely I have observed that I am not able to create a group hierarchy in Oracle SOA Suite 11g, i.e., clerk, reporting to head clerk, who reports to manager.
I need to create this hierarchy to draft escalation rules, i.e., in case the clerk does not work on a task for some time, it automatically escalates to his supervisor.
This is also required in case i want to create a workflow pattern using Managemetn Chain. Do you have any pointers to this?
ReplyDeleteCan you tell me what you already did and what do you use OID or AD
Dear Edwin!!!
ReplyDeleteBeing the very first of my attempt to explore workflow, I am using the Default Authentication and Authorization to create users. I am not using any Identity Management Servers or Database.
In Oracle 10g, as I remember we used to have a user-properties.xml file, where we could specify the manager of a user. Whenever the user himself won't claim task within specified period, it would auto escalate to his manager.
I see that in JDeveloper 11g, I still can specify the expiration policy, but, as I am not able to provide the hierarchy for the user. The task on expiration faults out, saying that -
Workflow Service Engine callback to SOA mesh failed.
Callback operation onTaskCompleted from default/Insurance!1.0*d943437a-dc0a-461b-b978-33edc9bb0f79/PolicyApproval to PolicyAwardingProcess/PolicyApproval.TaskService_1 failed with error: null.
Check the underlying exception. Ensure that the SOA composite is configured correctly.
at oracle.bpel.services.workflow.fabric.WorkflowServiceEngine.doCallback(WorkflowServiceEngine.java:1233)
at oracle.bpel.services.workflow.task.impl.WorkflowCallback.postToFabric(WorkflowCallback.java:341)
at oracle.bpel.services.workflow.task.impl.WorkflowCallback.onTaskComplete(WorkflowCallback.java:107)
I think that it is because on expiration, when it tries to locate the manager of the user, it finds that user has no manager and hence blacks out.
Please provide any pointers you know of.
Hi Swap,
ReplyDeleteDid you read this http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E15523_01/integration.1111/e10226/hwf_config.htm#BABGICCB
here they use all kind of ldap repositories where the user ( for example inetOrgPerson ) has a manager attribute.
and I saw in the workflow properties you can change the default class how the manager lookup is done. Maybe you can make your own class which retrieves the manager from a local file.
let me know if you make some progress.
Dear Edwin!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your quick response, I did happen to read through the Admin Guide, and what I found here was how to configure LDAP or other directory services. I think, in default authentication, they only have provision to create flat user structure and not hierarchical structure. Probably, it is a mandate that for hierarchical structure we should use a directory service.
Thanks for the pointer either ways.You have always been of immense help.
Thanks again,
Hi Edwin;
ReplyDeleteI need to ask about:-
===> for WorklistApp does SQL Authentication provider supported?
===> for WorklistAPp How we can use a hierarchy mapping for the escalation feature in the BPM Worklist with a Read-only SQL Authentication provider?
Thanks in advance for your help
Hi Khaled
ReplyDeleteEvery authenticator in wls should work,
you can check the bpm groups with this
private String server = "localhost";
private String wsurl = "http://" + server + ":8001";
private String secdomain = "jazn.com";
private BPMIdentityService bpmClient;
private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WorkflowClient.class.getName());
Map properties =
new HashMap();
bpmClient = WorkflowServiceClientFactory.getSOAPIdentityServiceClient(secdomain,properties,logger);
List groups = bpmClient.searchGroups("name", "*");
for (BPMGroup group : groups) {
System.out.println("groups: " + group.getDisplayName());
in Workflow Task Service Properties
( em website ) you can change the default method MANAGERS_MANAGER oracle.bpel.services.workflow.assignment.dynamic.patterns.TaskEscalationManagersManager
or decompile this , to see how this works
private String server =
private String wsurl =
"http://" + server + ":8001";
private String secdomain =
private BPMIdentityService
private Logger logger =
.CONNECTION_PROPERTY, java.lang.String>
properties =
new HashMap<IWorkflowServiceClientConstants
.CONNECTION_PROPERTY, java.lang.String>();
bpmClient = WorkflowServiceClientFactory.
List<BPMGroup> groups =
bpmClient.searchGroups("name", "*");
for (BPMGroup group : groups) {
System.out.println("groups: "
+ group.getDisplayName());
ReplyDeleteI solved the manager / hierarchy thing without an LDAP server.
just check this out.
let me know what you think
thanks Edwin
Hi, I want to display a view in the the jspx page. The key for this view is passed through the task payload. Thus, I have to access the task payload before I display the page.
ReplyDeleteI am using a setCurrentRowWithKeyValue before the view activity, within its bindings I am using an iterator to access to the payload. Though, when I try to see the view in the worklist application, it returns an error related to the task flow finalizer.
ReplyDeletecan you make a small testcase , a soa project with a simple humantask and a viewcontroller project for thuis human task what you did and I will take a look.
send it to biemond at gmail dot com
thanks Edwin
Hi Biemond,
ReplyDeleteRegarding hierarchy in the SOA Suite do you know any document for how we can use the hierarchy (manager,reportee) from LDAP such as Active directory?
Thanks and regards.
ReplyDeleteI think AD has a manager attribute in LDAP and you can take a look at this http://biemond.blogspot.com/2010/02/soa-11g-identity-service-and-human-task.html
Hi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteDo you know how can I update "Human task based ADF Taskflow form" when I added 2 more elements to the input payload schema of Human task ?
Is there anyway i can update the taskform with out re-generating taskflow.
ReplyDeleteDo you know how can I update "Human task based ADF Taskflow form" when I added 2 more elements to the input payload schema of Human task ?
yes you can but you need to be a pro in ADF development.
Is there anyway i can update the taskform with out re-generating taskflow.
Don't know if you have subverion but maybe you can generate it again and do some merging.
Hi ,
ReplyDeleteI want to ask if we have an outcome on the task definition with space (ex. task needs re-approval) ,how can we deal with this in the ADF page .
ReplyDeleteDo you get an error in ADF with this space in the outcome.
ReplyDeletewe got an bibding error
ReplyDeleteAnd when you replace space with %20 else make a support call.
Hi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteCould you please send the information on how to process the output parameters. I am creating payload variables(editable) in humantask and I am not able to see those variables any where. So could you please tell how to access the payload variables in Oracle SOA suite 11g.
ReplyDeleteOutput parameters can be tricky and I remember that it not so easy and usefull. I need to check my examples.
ReplyDeleteFor output parameters you need to works from the adf-config.xml and call a bounded TF with pages not with fragments. ( not as a region in a jsf paged )
When you leave this TF then you return to the jsf page and pass the value to a managed bean or pageFlowScope.
Hi Edwin ,
ReplyDeleteI am a new bee in the world of SOA , i have a Human task that has jobIDs as input and based on the requirement the Production controller ( Human) need to assign them to different Processes running in different systems by copying the required files to those systems.
For this is need to communicate to a database ( which has the required data) and decide to which system the job should be allocated .
Further i need to get the SystemID so that i can copy the files to that system using a FTPAdapter
which is a different BPEL process.
Could you please point me to any document which can illustrate " using components in ADF " and how to return a value from a human Task
Thanks in advance.
ReplyDeleteyou have two options which requires you to be a good java or ADF developer.
the first is make you humantask clients and retrieves the task + payload in java and do your thing.
like this http://biemond.blogspot.com/2010/02/soa-11g-human-task-client.html
or you need to generate an ADF TaskFlow based on the humantask , the datacontrol contains your payload and you can make your own adf bc datacontrol which uses this payload as input. Add the data of this new datacontrol also on the page.
all this requires some skills else it will be frustating.
Hi Edwin ,
ReplyDeleteThank you for a quick reply , as per your advice i tried with the ADF TaskFlow based on the humantask , and was able to get the approve request .
Is it possible for me to get the "Selected Node /server " by the Approver so that i can invoke a seperate BPEL to copy the file to designated folder on the selected Node/Server .
As of now i am manually updating the Comments field to include the Selected Node , and copying the files to the system based on the comment field .
1.is it possible to get the Selected Node value as a return value of the human task .
2. is it possible to update the comment field with the selected value dynamically .
Thanks in advance
ReplyDeleteYes everything is possible, but you need to know what you are doing and You can retrieve all the TaskDetails.
maybe the payload is too complex.
Dear Edwin,
ReplyDeleteIs it possible to login bpm worklist directly from our portal without login into the BPM worklist again to approve/reject the particular task.
Actually it increase the human invean
ReplyDeleteOracle has Single Sign On products which can be used if your portal software supports this, The BPM server will not be the problem.
Dear Edwin,
ReplyDeleteDear All,
I need help with task esclation in SOA11g,
I am working on SOA and weblogic 10.3,
i have a requirement where in i want a task (that expires after a certain period) to be escalated to the user's manager and at the same time make it available in the user list of task's.
i am able to escalate the task to the user's manager after it expires but it get's removed from the user's list of task.
is their a way in which i can do both,i mean escalate the task to the manager as well as make it avaialble for the user rather than removing the task from his list.
ReplyDeletemaybe you can set the owner to the user, I think the owner can also change it.
or you can do something with the java escalation class.
Hi Edwin, after devloping the task form and if .task file gets changed how to incorporate the new changes in task form again? do we need to create the task form again ?
ReplyDeleteYep you are right , you need to do it again. The alternative is that you make your own ADF human task application, on my blog there are example, how to do this
HI Edwin i have created human task form from human task flow and i have added custom code that is invoked on click of APPROVE button now everything works fine but on click of approve window pop up window doesn't get closed what is the outcome that i need to send to call back the client.
ReplyDeleteI also have the same issue. Please let me know how did you resolve the issue.
Hi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteGreat to see your response for queries. Need your help understanding little bit more. I have a requirement where I have a human task soa application in 11g. Once tasks got initiated I want to access those tasks (to approve/reject etc) in my ADF webapplication with my custom jsf screens(task details page). I do not want to use BPM worklist application as I need my own css, logo etc.
So my question is do I need to create adf application and place the controls to display task details, write backing bean etc manually or can I use 'adf task flow from human task' option or any other best approach should I follow.
Your inputs will be highly appreciated.
ReplyDeleteYou can make your own adf or java app and talk against the human task ejb or ws.
in this blogpost I added an adf example in the comments
also saw something where you only add the bpm task TF in your own app. I think Pino Rom did this and the boys of redwood made a pure java implementation.
good luck
Thanks for your inputs Edwin. Sure I will check that.
ReplyDeleteHi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteNeed your help to understand my below query.
One of the Human Task soa samples I have observed that .task file
contains assignment code
So I believe it is assigning the task to the Manager which is getting from LDAP.
So my query is I want to get this done without using LDAP. What are the options I have, I mean DB etc. Do I need to have my own db table with users heirarchy or any thing else?
Please suggest.
ReplyDeleteyou need to update the internal users and set the manager like I did in this post http://biemond.blogspot.com/2010/02/soa-11g-identity-service-and-human-task.html
or use a ldap client and connect to the ldap of wls and set the manager.
I think you can also override the manager behaviour in humantask, you need to create a java class and configure this in the soa human task properties
and in this class you can do a call to a database.
Good luck
ReplyDeleteI need to populate a jspx with database row values based on payload id value. Once the form is updated, the values from the form variables must be loaded back to payload variables. Is this possible,if so can you please suggest a way to go about it?
ReplyDeleteit is possible but you need to know adf and you can't re-generate the adf task flow again, then your changes are lost.
ReplyDeletecan you check the logger ( should be java.util.logging.Logger )
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(xxxx.class.getName());
and the identity service url ( must be soa server:8001 )
Map properties =
new HashMap();
bpmClient = WorkflowServiceClientFactory.getSOAPIdentityServiceClient(identityDomain, properties, logger2);
for more info
Hi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteDoes the project which contains the 'Taskflow based on HumanTask' have to sit within the same parent application that contains the SOA Project?
DeleteYes you are right because when you deploy the SOA composite , it detects the adf web app and deploy it with it. You can try to do it manually but then you know what to do.
As a follow on to the comment above, how does the deployed human task relate to this UI and use it as it's default page. Do I need to configure something further or will the HT automatically pick up my deployed ADF form as it's default?
DeleteYes indeed , in the composite there is a reference to the adf web app and when you open the task in the work list app, it loads this webapp in the bottom part of the screen.
ReplyDeleteThere is HWF - Task details page in a UI project that is used to show task details in BPM worklist. Currently, few new attributes have been added to the Task- Payload used in the SOA composite. The Data Control used in for Task details page is not getting refreshed with new attributes. So not able to add these new payload attributes to the task details page.
I tried re-generating steps of task-flow so that it would refresh the DC. But it doesn't work in my case.
Any help appreciated.
Praveen S K
Deleteand when you create a new project, do you see those fields and then merge the changes in the old one.
good luck.
Hi Edwin, I have a problem not exactly about your post but related and maybe you can help me.
ReplyDeleteIt is about the BPM workspace configuration: every time I try to open an activity (global creation or one from the task list) the pop up is trying to open the adf workflow on the url http://myservername:0/workflow... then the browser shows a connection refused error page.
When I change the port "0" to one from my soa servers the activity page is rendered and fully functional.
It is a clustered installation with two SOA servers listening on ports 8001 and 8002. If I deploy the same process to my local server (one wl server for Admin, osb, soa and bam) the app works fine.
So I think the problem is about some configuration from where the workplace is resolving the server port for workflows, but I don't have any idea how to change this behavior.
I hope you can help me, thanks.
Deletedid you put a apache server in front of the cluster and set the callback and server address to the apache server.
like described here http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E14571_01/integration.1111/e10226/soainfra_config.htm
Thank you very much,
DeleteI found that the frontend configuration for the cluster was not well configured.
The frontend host name was empty and the workspace was taking the value from the http header that is ok, but the default value for plain and ssl ports is 0, pretty ugly because instead to ignore 0s and take the value from the header, the app is redirecting the request to port 0.
I configured the right values to these settings and the workspace is working now.
I'll take a closer look to your suggestion to see if it could suit better to solve the problem
Thanks again
Hi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteI have one human tasks in BPEL process in which i am using different stages and with using advance routing rules i am routing my task payload to one stage to another.My payload has Task Status and Branch,after approving the human task from first stage I want to send modified value of the Task Status to the next stage without using worklist API or manual updation but only using the advance routing rules,if it is possible please enlight me with your valuable solutions and advices...
Deletea humantask can't be re-used ( after an outcome the task is finished) but you can do a re-initiate task and re-use the information of the first task. you can do this by selecting this operation in the humantask invoke.
I hope this helps.
Hi Edwin,
DeleteNot sure if this is off topic here, I have integrated OIM with SOA and in the approval task trying to escalate it to a Role that is created in the OIM if the request is not acted upon for a specified amount of time, I see that I need to implement " IDynamicTaskEscalationFunction" class, but I can only return a single escalation user and not a Role (or Group) -is this viable? If Yes, can you please guide me on this. Also, I need to invoke a custom webservice to update few resources if the approval task is escalated, unable to find a plugin place for the invoking custom webservice in Approval Task, please guide me on the same.
Hi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteIs it possible to have a task assigned to a group without the "Claim" flow ? My requirement here is, the first person in the group who sees the task gets the task auto-claimed and can directly take an action on the task. I want to avoid the Task "Claim" step.
Hello Edwin, I've followed quite a few of your blogs over time and they've provided clear insight into issues I've encountered in the soa/ofm world. I have a specific issue here I'm hoping you might provide a little help with. I need to attach a file (contents as string) to an email notification sent by a human task kicked off by a bpel process. I've achieved the sending of the email and receiving the outcome however the attachment part eludes me, any help/insight would be greatly appreciated
ReplyDeleteHi Edwin, We have a requirement of using JSF as front end with Oracle BPM 11g. Can you please share your thoughts and help me out.How to access JSF page from BPM human task?
ReplyDeleteHi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteI have created a Human task actionable notification and enabled task from embedding in to it.In the email being send the Actions link appears at the top of the email and then the Task From content appears.
I want to move the Actions link below the task form content in the email. Is there a way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance.