In this blogpost I will describe how you can do that and especially how you can query the Human task with your own ordering and restrictions.
You can try these examples from soapUI or any other web service framework / tool.
In this blogpost we will invoke these two WF web services
TaskQueryService, This WS can be used for task retrieval or do a query on the WorkFlow service.
The WSDL url = http://soa-server:8001/integration/services/TaskQueryService/TaskQueryService?WSDL
TaskService, This WS can be used for CRUD actions on the human tasks.
The WSDL url = http://soa-server:8001/integration/services/
Both services got two endpoints, be aware you should always use the endpoint of TaskQueryServicePort and not the SAML port unless you like to use SAML authentication.
<service name="TaskQueryService">
<port name=" TaskQueryServicePortSAML" binding="tns: TaskQueryServiceSOAPBinding">
<soap:address location=" 8001/integration/services/ TaskQueryService/ TaskQueryService2/*"/>
<port name="TaskQueryServicePort" binding="tns: TaskQueryServiceSOAPBinding">
<soap:address location=" 8001/integration/services/ TaskQueryService/ TaskQueryService"/>
When we know our Human TaskId ( something like this 3fa4e9f7-5719-4efa-8215-ad2b47fcbace )
then you can use the getTaskDetailsById operation.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas."
xmlns:com="http://xmlns. common">
<com:login>weblogic</com: login>
<com:password>weblogic1</com: password>
<tas:taskId>3fa4e9f7-5719- 4efa-8215-ad2b47fcbace</tas: taskId>
In this case I use workflowContext for authentication. You can also do it on behalf of someone else.
Sometimes you only got a Human WorkFlow number then you can use the getTaskDetailsByNumber operation.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas."
xmlns:com="http://xmlns. common">
<tas: taskDetailsByNumberRequest>
<com:login>weblogic</com: login>
<com:password>weblogic1</com: password>
<tas:taskNumber>200000</tas: taskNumber>
</tas: taskDetailsByNumberRequest>
When you don't know the taskId or the task number or want to do bulk operations then you can do a search on the humantask services. The queryTasks operation is very powerful and there is not really a restriction.
let's start with a simple one. In this request I want to search for a task number and also want to have some extra attributes ( blue part ) in the response together with the Comments, Attachments and the Payloads ( red part ).
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas."
xmlns:tas="http://xmlns. taskQueryService" \
xmlns:com="http://xmlns. common"
xmlns:tas1="http://xmlns. taskQuery"
<com:login>weblogic</com: login>
<com:password>weblogic1</com: password>
<tas1:displayColumn> textAttribute1</tas1: displayColumn>
<tas1:displayColumn> textAttribute2</tas1: displayColumn>
<tas1:displayColumn> textAttribute3</tas1: displayColumn>
<tas1:taskOptionalInfo> Comments</tas1: taskOptionalInfo>
<tas1:taskOptionalInfo> Attachments</tas1: taskOptionalInfo>
<tas1:taskOptionalInfo> Payload</tas1: taskOptionalInfo>
<tas1:assignmentFilter>All</ tas1:assignmentFilter>
<tas1:column>taskNumber</tas1: column>
<tas1:operator>EQ</tas1: operator>
<tas1:value>200001</tas1: value>
</soapenv:Envelope>In the predicate part we are using the old style for defining our restriction ( clause after predicate ). In the next queryTasks examples I will show the ones which also will be supported in the coming soa suite releases.
assignmentFilter can have the following values: All, My, Group, My+Group, My+Group+All, Reportees, Creator, Owner, Previous, Admin
The optionalInfoList can contain the following values: Actions, GroupActions, CustomActions, Attachments, Comments, Payload, ShortHistory, TemplateTasks
In this query I have a predicate with two clauses which do a search on the text attributes ( tableName attribute is in almost all cases WFTask , check the soa-infa database or the TableConstants class ) and the second one has an AND operator on the first one.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas."
xmlns:com="http://xmlns. common"
xmlns:tas1="http://xmlns. taskQuery"
<com:login>weblogic</com: login>
<com:password>weblogic1</com: password>
<tas1:taskPredicateQuery startRow="1" endRow="10">
<tas1:displayColumn> textAttribute1</tas1: displayColumn>
<tas1:displayColumn> textAttribute2</tas1: displayColumn>
<tas1:displayColumn> textAttribute3</tas1: displayColumn>
<tas1:taskOptionalInfo> Comments</tas1: taskOptionalInfo>
<tas1:taskOptionalInfo> Attachments</tas1: taskOptionalInfo>
<tas1:taskOptionalInfo> Payload</tas1: taskOptionalInfo>
<tas1:assignmentFilter>All</ tas1:assignmentFilter>
<tas1:column tableName="WFTask">
<tas1:columnName> textAttribute1</tas1: columnName>
<tas1:operator>EQ</tas1: operator>
<tas1:value>MyTask</tas1: value>
<tas1:clause joinOperator="AND">
<tas1:column tableName="WFTask">
<tas1:columnName> textAttribute2</tas1: columnName>
<tas1:operator>EQ</tas1: operator>
In the next example we will add some ordering and use a valuelist in a predicate clause ( for this we need to use the IN operator).
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas."
xmlns:com="http://xmlns. common"
xmlns:tas1="http://xmlns. taskQuery"
<com:login>weblogic</com: login>
<com:password>weblogic1</com: password>
<tas1:displayColumn> textAttribute1</tas1: displayColumn>
<tas1:displayColumn> textAttribute2</tas1: displayColumn>
<tas1:displayColumn> textAttribute3</tas1: displayColumn>
<tas1:taskOptionalInfo> Comments</tas1: taskOptionalInfo>
<tas1:taskOptionalInfo> Attachments</tas1: taskOptionalInfo>
<tas1:taskOptionalInfo> Payload</tas1: taskOptionalInfo>
<tas1:assignmentFilter>My+ Group</tas1:assignmentFilter>
<tas1:column tableName="WFTask">
<tas1:columnName>state</tas1: columnName>
<tas1:operator>IN</tas1: operator>
<tas1:value>ASSIGNED</tas1: value>
<tas1:value>INFO_REQUESTED</ tas1:value>
<tas1:value>OUTCOME_UPDATED</ tas1:value>
<tas1:column>priority</tas1: column>
<tas1:table>WFTask</tas1: table>
<tas1:sortOrder>ASCENDING</ tas1:sortOrder>
<tas1:nullFirst>false</tas1: nullFirst>
<tas1:column>taskNumber</tas1: column>
<tas1:table>WFTask</tas1: table>
<tas1:sortOrder>DESCENDING</ tas1:sortOrder>
<tas1:nullFirst>false</tas1: nullFirst>
For the Ordering I need to provide the column and table values ( table element is in almost all cases WFTask , check the soa-infa database or the TableConstants class )
The last query task has a more complex predicate, for this we need to use lhs , logicalOperator and rhs elements. And the rhs element contains an another lhs , logicalOperator and rhs section.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas."
xmlns:com="http://xmlns. common"
xmlns:tas1="http://xmlns. taskQuery"
<com:login>weblogic</com: login>
<com:password>weblogic1</com: password>
<tas1:taskPredicateQuery startRow="1" endRow="10">
<tas1:displayColumn> textAttribute1</tas1: displayColumn>
<tas1:displayColumn> textAttribute2</tas1: displayColumn>
<tas1:displayColumn> textAttribute3</tas1: displayColumn>
<tas1:taskOptionalInfo> Comments</tas1: taskOptionalInfo>
<tas1:taskOptionalInfo> Attachments</tas1: taskOptionalInfo>
<tas1:taskOptionalInfo> Payload</tas1: taskOptionalInfo>
<tas1:assignmentFilter>My+ Group</tas1:assignmentFilter>
<tas1:column tableName="WFTask">
<tas1:columnName>state</tas1: columnName>
<tas1:operator>IN</tas1: operator>
<tas1:value>ASSIGNED</tas1: value>
<tas1:value>INFO_REQUESTED</ tas1:value>
<tas1:value>OUTCOME_UPDATED</ tas1:value>
<tas1:logicalOperator>AND</ tas1:logicalOperator>
<tas1:column tableName="WFTask">
<tas1:columnName> textAttribute1</tas1: columnName>
<tas1:operator>EQ</tas1: operator>
<tas1:value>MyTask</tas1: value>
<tas1:clause joinOperator="AND">
<tas1:column tableName="WFTask">
<tas1:columnName> textAttribute2</tas1: columnName>
<tas1:operator>EQ</tas1: operator>
<tas1:logicalOperator>OR</ tas1:logicalOperator>
<tas1:column tableName="WFTask">
<tas1:columnName> textAttribute2</tas1: columnName>
<tas1:operator>EQ</tas1: operator>
At last we can also try update a Task with a particular outcome. For this we need to use the TaskService
Use the right endpoint ( not the SAML one ) and use the operation updateTaskOutcome ( this is the easiest way )
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
Just provide the taskId and what the outcome should be.
Hi Edwin, the end point /integration/services/TaskQueryService/TaskQueryServicePort?WSDL gives a 404 error for me.
ReplyDelete/integration/services/TaskQueryService/TaskQueryService?WSDL is available but I get :
InvalidSecurity : error in processing the WS-Security security header
Is this the SAML issue?
DeleteDo you get this error in soapui when invoking a request or with loading the wsdl.
in soapui you can change the endpoint on the top of the request.
Thanks for your response. I managed to get the service working. I think my problem was not calling the authenticate service first and using the token passed back in subsequent calls.
DeleteSuccessful payload for me;
Note I could not access the endpoint .../TaskQueryServicePort?WSDL you mentioned so I'm using /TaskQueryService?WSDL We are running SOA suite
Thanks Mark
DeleteI also running PS3 and everything is working fine and I don't need a token. just can use username / password
Also both wsdl url are working on PS3.
TaskQueryService, This WS can be used for task retrieval or do a query on the WorkFlow service.
The WSDL url = http://soa-server:8001/integration/services/TaskQueryService/TaskQueryService?WSDL
TaskService, This WS can be used for CRUD actions on the human tasks.
The WSDL url = http://soa-server:8001/integration/services/TaskService/TaskServicePort?WSDL
Edwin, are you able to get the getDisplayURL() method to work for the TaskQueryService?
DeleteWhat is getDisplayURL , is that an wsdl operation
Sorry, I meant to ask this in relation to a task obtained using getTaskDetailsById or getTaskDetailsByNumber. All task details area available except for task.getDisplayURL().
DeleteI think it is a fixed url with a taskId parameter.
Deleteyou can check it in the EM instance process when you click on the humantask. it will give you a direct link to the worklist app.
I agree its a fixed URL...comes from the WorkFlowUtil class. The question is: should the task api which has this method return a fixed url.
DeleteI can check EM and get the URL. How does one solve this problem in code when a random task has to be opened?
Hi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteI am using BPEL human task API - createTask/initiateTask API in particular to create a new task. I am able to do this. Now I am trying to create a task with multiple owners - tried this using the setOwner() method on Task object and also tried comma separated owners through the payload - Both does not seem to work :(.
Deleteyou can assign to multiple groups or users but I think there can only be one process owner.
It is really nice and informative, it is useful for me. thank you
ReplyDeleteHi Edwin,
ReplyDeletedid you ever try to initiate a task via the "initiateTask" web service operation?
I think I'm missing something here: I'm able to create (and submit) an initiate task instance this way, but here is no (SCA) process instance created for this task.
In addition, this works without providing credentials (as you have to do in all the other operations).
<soapenv:Envelope ...>
<task:title>My Task, just created</task:title>
DeleteI never, always use it with BPEL so I can react on the outcome. Initiate without bpel only works I guess in the Worklist application and in combination with BPM where WF is the starting of a process.
Hi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteDo you know if the Task Title can be updated?
DeleteI think it should be possible , you can assign it to a payload variable when you create the HWF from BPEL or try to use the TaskService WS/ EJB
Hi Edwin,
DeleteThanks a lot for the reply.
I tried both the approaches:
- Assigning a payload variable to the title did give me the correct title after the task was initiated. However, after that when the payload variable changed (using the updateTask WS call), the task title remained the same.
- When I tried to change the Title directly using the WS call, it did not update (other attributes like priority were updated successfully).
Is there anything else I can try?
Thanks for the help,
DeleteI think you tried it all , maybe you can ask for a SR or ER on oracle support.
By the way,
Deletenot supported by Oracle , all data is in the WF Tasks table , find the right row with the task id as primary key and update the title.
Thanks Edwin, will try out that suggestion.
DeleteAn unrelated question: What can I do so that weekends are ignored for for expiration? Do I need to create a new Calendar Rule in BPM workspace? Is there any other way?
Hi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteWith Regards to Task Title, a DB update on the WFTask_TL title worked.
Thanks a ton for the tip.
- Vivek
ReplyDeleteFor the Task and TaskQuery Services (PS5) I had to patch the soa suite. there were some problems with the workflow xsd in jdeveloper and on the server. I had to use the patch the fabric runtime jar on the server and in jdeveloper.
Hi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteThe post is very useful and informative.Could you please let me know how can we use the SAML configuration for these webservices.
DeleteThen you need to follow this
So make osb business service or soa reference service with an owsm saml client policy and call the saml endpoint , on the proxy or soa service side use a username token policy, call this service and add your credentials and this will passed on to the human workflow services.
Hi Edwin, can we edit the task title when it going through multiple level of approvals? For eg. user A approves the task with title "Action Title ABC" and then goes to user B for review. In this case, when task goes to user B, can I have title set as "Review Title ABC"? Thanks in advance.
DeleteWhen I look at the Java API of humantask I can see the following methods
IWorkflowContext -> getTaskService() -> mergeAndUpdateTask and updateTask
probably the same operations for the HumanTask WebServices.
but you probably need to this yourself and listen for the approval events and call this API and set the new title.
Hi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteHave you ever used the webservice method requestInfoForTaskWithReapproval of the TaskService ?
I am trying to use this method and all I get is this error:
Can you please try to invoke this service and let me know your findings?
Deletewhat is your scenario, cause for requestInfoForTaskWithReapproval you need to have multiple approvements and next user user asks an another user which already approved this task for extra information.
that user should respond with a info request and after this the next approval user can do a UpdateTaskOutcome
Hi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteSorry, to wake this thread up again, but I'm trying to invoke the SAML endpoint, with no success. Could you please advise me on how I might go about it?
Deletemaybe this can help. but indeed it's hard
I mostly use the java api
or set in the soap call
com:login weblogic /com:login
com:password weblogic1 com:password
Hi Edwin ,
ReplyDeleteI need to take an action/outcome on HumanTask (need to take Reprocess Action defined in HumanTask).
Can i achive it using these web services(using UpdateTaskOutcome) .
I am able to authenticate and take a token , please let me know which operation will allow me doing the same.
Thanks in Advance :)
Waiting for your Reply
Deleteindeed with UpdateTaskOutcome you can achieve this
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThanks Edwin
DeleteIt worked as suggested :) , must say Really Helpful Post
Thanks for all your earlier responses your advices have been a great support...
ReplyDeleteIn one of our requirement we have used human task with different number of stages (14 stages ) and to route the task through different stages I am using advance routing rules (30 rules),and for all this we are using only one human task component we have exposed this through bpel .
My code and process is working fine .
My question is:-
1- Do this kind of design contain flaws, is there is any restriction on using of number of stages and number of routing rules. Is there is any best practise involves which suggests that we cannot have more than certain number of stages or routing rules..??
2-Is it feasible to use different human task component for each of the human task stages and route the data using business rule, but that will be very exhausted and will unnecessarily makes bpel heavier, also the front end people need only one bpm urls this approach will make their work tedious as different number of human task component will have different urls..
Please suggest .
Thank you
ReplyDeleteI want to test all the methods of the TaskService and TaskQueryService webservice.Can you please share any link containing all the input parameters for all the methods to test through SOAPUI.
Please Suggest
Thank You
It would be nice to have more examples on the interwebz, the info is almost non-existent and these xsd's are complex as hell
DeleteHi Biemond
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing!
Your posts are really valuable to all of the SOA community.
I need a suggestion. We have a requirement where we have to expose the underlying TaskQueryService via OSB, both normal and SAML ports ( Prj requirement restricts the consumers to directly access the task information, so we are creating a service that talks to the underlying TaskQueryService and get the information)
My question is, can a single OSB Service cater to both the ports? As I see, while creating proxy or business services, it either asks for a port or binding. If I select a port, I can select only one port, so I'll end up with 2 OSB Projects(proxy & business services, one for each port). If I select the binding, I'll lose the information about ports, and in Business service, I'll have to specify the URL, so obviously here aswell, I will require 2 business services and corresponding 2 proxy services.
Is there a way where a single OSB Project can cater to expose both the ports? Just as how this wsdl is exposing both the ports?
Also, another thing is that we are told to use abstract wsdl as we are putting that in mds so that consumer will use it while calling our service which ultimately calls the TaskQueryService. So if the wsdl is abstract, and I create proxy service based on that, how can I expose both the ports?
Appreciate your help on this.
Dear Edwin ,
ReplyDeleteI need to create two human workflows to act like a request / action pattern.
One work flow will act as a Request page and the other will act as the approve/reject page
How this could be done... thanks
DeleteFor an action or reject page you can use the bpm worklist application and to display the payload you can generate an ADF human task page and deploy this to the soa suite server.
But for a request HWF you need to use BPM or make your application on top of BPEL which can start a new work flow process.
Thanks a lot , Edwin for usefull guidance , I will be so pleased if you provide me a tutorial showing how to build a custom Application that can start a new work flow process.
Dear Edwin ,
ReplyDeleteI succeeded to intitate the request using BPM , it's very easy way , Thanks a lot , you saved my day :)
Regards , Mahmoud
What to check, when WF by processing the TaskID didn't get error message, but the task is not closed in BPEL?
ReplyDeleteHi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteUseful post. Taking this post as inspiration, i used the TaskService successfully to suspend tasks by passing the taskId. However, i am facing a challenge when i have a timer enabled on the human task.
Request you to check on below post and respond.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteThank you for the post. I am facing a problem and hopefully you can help me out. I am trying to use queryTasks to get all the task with details for reporting but it seems it only returns maximum of 200 rows. Is there a way that I can get all tasks returned? Thanks very much in advance.
HI Edwin,
ReplyDeleteI am trying to filter data based on DUEDATE but below sample query is not returning correct data. Can you please have a look and let me know what is wrong with it.
ReplyDeleteCan u successfully perform "updateTask" operation with so many parameters?
ReplyDeleteCan you successfully perform "updateTask" operation with so many parameters?
Hi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteCan TaskService webservice used in BPM service task?
The WSDL url = http://soa-server:8001/integration/services/TaskService/TaskServicePort?WSDL
Service is not listed in the service task.
But able to consume using the BPEL service.
Is there any restriction for BPM service task to invoke the above webservice?
Please suggest.
Hi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteHow do I read the attachment?
Thank you
Hi Edwin,
ReplyDeleteGreat Post
Quick Question: How do I reject a task. updateTaskOutcome works nicely for "APPROVE" but in case of REJECT I am getting below error:
Bulk update is not allowed for this Task.
This task expects the user to view task details before acting on it.
Make sure that the task is approved/rejected from task details page. Also ensure that TaskService API which takes task Object as input is used instead of the A
PI which takes taskID as input.
Please help