Adobe just released Flex builder 3 SDK and Professional. Professional is an eclipse based developer tool where you can debug and design the user interface. Professional includes support for building desktop applications with Adobe AIR. With Adobe air you can deploy your flex applications to dekstops and on different operating system. The Flex SDK is the open source version and has ant and bat scripts to compile and run the flex applications.

You can download Flex 3 Professional and SDK
hereHere are some great links of the possibilities of flex
Flex show caseFlex 3 components explorerFlex 3 style explorerJava and Flex The coming weeks I will build some test applications where I want to build Flex applications on sdo web services and to try to integrate Flex with ADF applications.
Dat wilde ik nou ook al een hele tijd doen, maar komt niets van...
ReplyDeleteOracle heeft het dashboard van Metalink ook al met Flex gemaakt.
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